Take a Sneak-peek into the types of Road Barriers that can be commonly used in Edinburgh

Moonica Roger
4 min readSep 14, 2021

Road safety is the most important thing to ensure every time anyone hits the road. With the increase in the cases of accidents and rash driving, while driving a vehicle or walking one should ensure that they are following the traffic rules at all times. As Prevention is better than cure, before hitting the road, it should be made sure that one has a clear notion about where the road safety signs are placed in and around their locality or the destination where they are going.

Photo by John Gibbons on Unsplash

Road barriers and pedestrian signs in Edinburgh are an excellent way to maintain the traffic, put a troublesome vehicle on the right path or keep the stroller away from the perilous areas of the streets. Road barriers in Edinburgh are also helpful to mark the areas under construction. They have been helping drivers and walkers to keep away from the big potholes or dangerous under-construction fragile areas.

Photo by Wsky Ago on Unsplash

This article summarizes all the types of road barriers commonly used in Edinburgh. However, before moving to the main part, one must know about the three primary types of safety barriers installed:

Pedestrian Barricades: Pedestrian Barriers in Edinburgh are constructed to keep the walkers and the pedestrian always on the right path and away from the dangerous areas. These types of barricades serve an excellent purpose to maintain the flow of walkers in heavily crowded areas.

Photo by Sébastien Barbieri on Unsplash

Traffic Barricades: These types of barriers are used mainly to redirect, stop or reroute the flow of traffic in perilous and accident-prone areas. Traffic Barricades are mostly painted with bright colours to keep them visually clear.

Road-Construction Barriers: Such types of road signs in Edinburgh are constructed to alert the pedestrians and the drivers about the areas under construction on the main roads and in the by lanes. Road Construction Barriers are used to tackle the traffics on busy roads and heavily crowded localities.

Road signs in Edinburgh ensure that the traffic flow always remains right under every condition. A well-managed city must have a pragmatically operated traffic management system. Practically used Road barriers and pedestrian signs put a limit to the unforeseen incidents and distribute the weight of heavy traffic into manageable portions.

Photo by Michael Yuan on Unsplash

Under the above three major divisions of traffic barriers, below are the parts that branch from them summing up the different types vividly used to control traffic in Edinburgh and keep the city on its track:

  • Plastic Pedestrian Barricades: As the name goes, such types of pedestrian barricades are made out of plastic mostly. However, it is now being taken care of that single-use plastics are used in making plastic pedestrian barricades. These types of pedestrian barriers in Edinburgh are mostly used because they are easy to carry, lightweight, UV resistant (hence the colours do not fade away with prolonged exposure). If there is a limitation of staff or time, plastic pedestrian barricades are installed.
  • Cone Bars: Cone Bars are used superbly convenient and can be used to manage an emergency situation easily. Cone Bars are designed in such a way that they can be retracted up to 10 feet. If one is planning on the installation of road barriers in Edinburgh keeping in focus the low traffic areas, cone bars can serve the purpose tactfully. However, cone bars should not be deployed where there is a huge vehicle density.
  • Jersey Barriers: Water-filled jersey barriers are used to obstruct the roadways and to provide an extra layer of protection between under-construction sites, pedestrian areas and vehicular density. These types of traffic barriers are made of durable plastic materials which are equally lightweight. Jersey barriers are perfect to attain a short-term goal and are extremely convenient if you have a limited staff. However, such pedestrian signs in Edinburgh should not be used on a long-term basis. Some of the common water-filled jersey barriers are Yodock 2001MB Channelisers, Water Walls and Construction barriers.
  • Traffic Barrels: Traffic Barrels are similar to the traffic cones but with one main difference: size. Traffic drums have a bigger periphery, size and reflective surfaces that facilitate visibility and stability. Traffic Barrels are made of plastic with rubber bases. If one is planning the installation of road barriers in Edinburgh that sees high-speed traffic or frequently go through natural calamities including heavy rainfall and storm, traffic barrels can be the suitable option.
  • Type I, Type II and Type III Road Barricades: Road Barricades are used to reroute a vehicle or to close a roadway. The three types of barricades are differentiated by shape, size and endurance. The type I Barricades have a single reflective panel, Type II has two rails and type III road barricades are constructed with a minimum of three reflective rails. Considering the flow of traffic and crowd, the former two types are used to handle light to medium crowded areas while the latter being most enduring can withstand much heavier loads.

Installation of pedestrian barriers in Edinburgh is commonly opted out with the types of pedestrian barriers discussed throughout. However, according to necessity, the types can be altered.

